Pastor Prayer

Once a month, pastors come together for a time of fellowship and prayer. Here, pastors can have a time to rest and sharpen one another. This is on the first Thursday of every month at 9:00am. If you are a pastor or know of a ministry leader who is interested in joining us, please call us at 325-423-3662 and we will add you to the notification list for the location of the events.
Community Worship

Once per quarter, HLCN hosts area churches as they join together for a night of worship and fellowship. The worship band consists of members from many different congregations and rotates to include new churches and pastors. We invite all people, in all communities to come together and enjoy food, fun and fellowship.
Each Community Wide Worship Night has worship through song, reading of scripture and prayer. If you are interested in joining us in a night of worship, sign up to receive our update emails to stay in the loop about the next event.