Children in Crisis
Here at the Highland Lakes Crisis Network, our responsibility is to support our neighbors emotionally, physically, and spiritually during times of crisis and disaster. As we have continued to pursue God’s leading as we seek to do kingdom work, we’ve been overwhelmed by the amount of families in seasons/cycles of need or crisis.
As we have sought the Lord, we cannot escape the massive need for a community determined to care and fight for the needs of vulnerable families and children. With a growing number of children placed outside our county due to a lack of foster families, and a lack of foster families due to little or no support, it’s time for us as the body of Chrst to step up and take action.
Understanding the Need
60% of foster families quit within the first year due to a lack of support
Almost 80% of inmates in U.S. prisons have spent time in foster care
83% of sex trafficked victims and 40-50% of the homeless population have been in CPS
Mission of the Foster Care Initiative – Every child in Burnet and Llano counties has a loving and healing home.
5 Areas of Need in Foster Care and Adoption
Family Preservation
Foster Care
Supporting Roles
Aged-out Teens
With a partnership we’ve formed with Fostering Hope as well as an established relationship through our network of churches, the time is now. Our goal is to build an informed, compassionate, and sustainable movement authored by God to care for all involved in Foster Care.
Whether you would like to know the next steps in Foster Care or would like to get your church involved in serving in Foster Ministry, please fill out this form below. We can’t wait to connect with you!